Hot Air

Scandal! Impeachment!

No, it’s not and no, they won’t.

The they, of course, are the House of Representatives Republicans who’ve been tumescent over impeaching Barack Obama and, for that matter, prob. lynching him as well ever since he false-birth-certificated his way into the White House. The it is Benghazi which, if you listen to the most hysterical of the Republicans enough, you’ll come away convinced was a terrorist operation conceived of and coordinated by the Phony Prez himself.

Two reports on the September, 2012, attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi, Libya, have been released by Congressional panels recently. Each destroys the Tea Party-led GOP move to make hay out of the tragedy. Neither really has gotten much press play, natch.

London Evening Post

Barack Obama Poses For A Photo During The Benghazi Attack

The online arm of the San Francisco Chronicle,, Friday revealed that the House Intelligence Committee has completed its inquiry into the mob violence around the embassy that resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, and it will soon release its report. Mike Thompson, a Dem member of the Intel Committee from California, told the Chronicle the report “confirms that no one was deliberately misled, no military assets were withheld and no stand-down order (to U.S. forces) was given.”

All three charges had been leveled against the Obama White House by Republicans who’ve been dying to nail BHO on something, anything. Republican Mike Rogers of Alabama chairs the Committee.

An earlier report was issued by the House Armed Services Committee in February of this year. It said no one at the White House issued any stand down orders to military units in the region which many in the far end of the sanity spectrum of the GOP believe Obama himself did because, naturally, he wants the US to be toppled. The Armed Services Committee report did, though, criticize the readiness of everyone from the State Dept. to the Army in regard to the attack. That makes sense. Nothing else charged does.

So, y’got nuffin’, kids. Personal to the wingnutty branch of the Republican Party: Chill out. BHO’ll be gone by January, 2017. Be patient. And start sharpening tour knives now for Prez Hillary.

My Newfound Spirituality

I don’t believe in god but I may be inclined to believe in the Devil.

That’s because Satan may walk among us. His name is Donald Trump. And he says (oops, Tweets) things like this:

Trump Tweet

Those dopes, helping people in strange, dark lands. They must suffer the consequences!

Open-Minded Me

I just met noted anti-GMO biologist Marti Crouch this morning.

I told her I’d be delighted to change my mind on GMOs (I don’t see the problem with them as yet) if she’ll take the trouble to convince me. (And if I buy her arguments.) So, she took my card and promised to send me material she’s written on the topic.

Fair enough.

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